Our Board
Governance of the School
The Board of Directors is regulated by the Articles of Association of Carmel School Association Limited. The Board comprises of not less than 10 members at any time, plus an additional two members nominated by the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) and approved by the Board. The Board has a Chairman elected by the Board, a Vice-Chairman and Executive Committee (appointed by the Chairman) and several sub-committees (which may be comprised of both members of the Board and non-members). The Board meets monthly throughout the school year and whenever else required. Members of the Board serve terms of office of two years, but are eligible for re-appointment.
The Board is intended to be comprised of a balance of parents of students, parents of former students, community members and other independent directors, with the desire that the representation on the Board reflects the diversity of the student base and stakeholders of the school.
Role of the Board of Directors
The role of the Board of Directors is to set the policies affecting the School, and to appoint and supervise the Principal of the School and the Head of the Elementary School. These policies include matters such as ensuring that the ethos on which the school was founded continues to be adhered to, the financial stability of the school, and key strategic matters such as securing premises for the various sections of the school to operate from.
The day-to-day operation of the school, however, falls within the remit and the authority of the Principal of the School and Head of the Elementary School, as well as the members of the school teaching, support and administration staff, which are appointed by the Principal of the School and the Head of the Elementary School.
Duties and Responsibilities of the Board of Directors
The members of the Board of Directors are required to exercise their duties and responsibilities in the best interests of the school and free from personal conflicts and interests in accordance with both Hong Kong law and the constitution of the school. Board discussions and deliberations are required to be kept confidential, and parents and other stakeholders are kindly asked to respect their duty to maintain confidentiality.
Members of the Board of Directors are required to comply with the Code of Conduct and Ethics which addresses matters such as conflict with personal interests and confidentiality.
General enquiries relating to policy matters can be addressed to the Chairman of the Board of Directors. The current Chairman is Shay Razon, and his contact email address is suggestions@carmel.edu.hk