The recent collaborative reverse engineering exercise brought together the energy and enthusiasm of students from Grade 11 DP Design to students in Grade 4 and 5, creating a vibrant buzz throughout the event. Under the guidance of DP design students and teachers, PYP students explored the mechanics of innovation by disassembling toys to uncover how they function.
This week, Grade 10 were tasked with test-running their ideas and sharing their MYP Personal Project in the Work-in-Progress Exhibition. The Personal Project represents the culmination of the IB MYP experience and is an opportunity to showcase what students have learned during their time in the program while being given autonomy to explore a topic of interest to them.
In this week’s parasha, Parashat Beshalach, we read about the amazing Exodus- when the Israelites left Egypt and the splitting of the Red Sea which was an extraordinary miracle for Am Israel-the Jewish nation. We also learn how all the Egyptian army drowned in the sea.
It was back to winning ways for the U16 footballers with an impressive 2-1 victory over top-of-the-table Singapore International School last term.
On Tuesday 21 and Wednesday 22 January, the doors finally opened on the Carmel School Elsa High School section production of Beauty and the Beast Jr.!
In the beginning, Moshe’s mission to the Israelites seemed successful, as his brother Aaron spoke on his behalf and Moshe performed miracles. The people listened to Moshe and believed him, but then things started to go wrong. Pharaoh refused to recognise G-d and rejected Moshe’s request to free the Israelites and to let them go. At some point the Israelites turned against Moshe and Aaron, accusing them of making things even worse.