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Kindergarten Weekly Overview (16 September)

Wellbeing:  This week the children and teachers completed one more “Cosmic Kids Yoga” lessons. We enjoyed “Jaime's Magic Yoga Studio, a beach yoga adventure”.  The kindergarten children are following directions better, improving coordination, and learning to control their breathing.  Next week we will begin “Kindness in the Classroom”, a mindfulness curriculum during our wellbeing lessons.  Unit one is “Respect”.

Math:  The kindergarten children learned a new math song “Counting by Twos”, and began learning how to correctly form number 7.  The children were introduced to subsidising (recognising a dot pattern instantly for numbers up to seven) and conservation of number (understanding that the number of objects remains the same even when rearranged)

Literacy: We continued handwriting practice by learning how to correctly and neatly form uppercase letter “P”.  We carried on with the phonics program “Speed Sound Set” learning the sound of “s” and how to form lowercase letter “s” (slither down the snake).  During DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) we resumed reading groups, decoding CVC words, and identifying beginning/ending sounds.

Inquiry:  This week we began our second line of inquiry “our behaviour towards others”.  We discussed the differences between big and small problems, understanding that small problems can be resolved without the teacher.  Then we introduced “Kelso’s Choices”, strategies to self regulate little problems (share and take turn, walk away, make a deal, wait and cool off etc..).  The grade one students came and role-modelled big/small problems and solutions for the kindergarten children on Friday.    We also read “What if Everybody Did That?” explaining how our behaviour affects the people around us.

*Due to the high temperatures the children can wear  their Camel caps during outdoor recess and PE

Shabbat Shalom,

The Kindergarten Team