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Beauty and the Beast Jr.

On Tuesday 21 and Wednesday 22 January, the doors finally opened on the Carmel School Elsa High School section production of Beauty and the Beast Jr.! 

Students, staff, friends, teachers and parents came together as a community to enjoy the show and celebrate our talented directors and supporting cast after months of hard work and dedication to the show. 

Everything and everyone - from the cast and crew, to the directors, lighting, costumes and staging - gave their all for the production. It was a sight to behold, and a delight to experience the talent on stage. 

Through audience reviews we celebrate the mammoth effort put on by all involved! 

“I came to see the musical with no expectations and risked bringing my wife and my 5 year old son, Koda, to see if he had the attention span to watch a whole play - his first one ever! My son loved it, staying stuck to his spot on the floor at the front the whole time, astonished and hypnotized by the singing and smooth transitions of each scene. Koda especially loved the ‘King’, my son’s interpretation of the Beast as he lived in a castle, and how he incredibly went from a monster to a human all in one story. 

For me, I found myself loving the creative costume design of each character and how the story was narrated with shadow puppetry. Seeing the Grade 4’s and 5’s in it too was a nice surprise, and doing the choreography for that must have been quite the feat. 

I also just loved the idea of how a whole community can come together to pull this off, and reminds me of how lucky I am to be at Carmel!”

Mr. Brett Bracalenti

“What an experience! The students transformed into stars before our very eyes. Lea Rebibo - as Belle - led us on to an adventure “in the great wide somewhere”; Peter Yahyagil - as the Beast - disturbed, terrified, and delighted in equal measure; Casey Yong - as Lumière - did indeed illuminate the stage with her charismatic presence and voice, inviting us all to “be our guest”; and Trisha blew me away with a heavenly rendition of ‘Tale as Old as Time’ ! 

There are too many names to mention - but I am constantly blown away by the talent and dedication of our students to the School musical. How lucky we are to be able to experience this every year!”

Mr. Adam Darell 

“A huge thank you and my heartfelt appreciation to Ms Pearson, Ms Robyn and Ms Celia for their skill, their dedication, and their professionalism, and to the production teams and all our supporting teachers. You have gone above and beyond this year with some new and exciting theatre techniques.

Participating students gave their time, their energy, and their commitment to the show and have been rewarded in so many ways - including visible personal growth which will have such a positive impact going forward.” 

Mrs. Rachel Friedmann 

“Yesterday, I had the privilege of attending the school play, "Beauty and the Beast." Since the beginning of the year, I have been aware of the hard work, long hours of rehearsals, and dedication of the students to their roles. The teachers involved never rested and were constantly busy with rehearsals, set design, costumes, and more.

However, nothing could have prepared me for what I experienced yesterday. The performance was of the highest caliber, a professional show in every aspect. Each student who participated felt like an integral part of the production, and their roles suited them perfectly. The hard work and countless hours truly paid off!

The combination of 4th and 5th-grade students was so charming and created harmony and unity among the students. I enjoyed every moment! There is no doubt that the talent and diverse abilities of the students shone through, revealing a side of them we don’t always see in class!”

Mrs. Yonat Tucker