Chanukah, also known as the Festival of Lights, is an eight-day celebration commemorating the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem during the second century BCE. The festival remembers the miracle of a small quantity of oil, meant to light the Temple's menorah for just one day, burning for eight full days. Today, Jewish people around the world celebrate by lighting the chanukiah (nine-branched menorah), playing dreidel, eating foods cooked in oil like sufganiyot (jelly doughnuts), and exchanging gifts.
This year school won't be in session during Chanukah, yet we were till determined to bring the Chanukah spirit to Elsa. This year, as part of Spirit Week, the Jewish Studies and Hebrew department arranged sessions of Chanukah activities. To begin, we gathered in the auditorium to highlight the meaning and message of Chanukah, and introduce the various activities. Students were then split into four groups; each group rotated around the various stations that were set up. The activities were:
- making and decorating sufganiyot/donuts
- created personalised Chanukiah out of small bottles
- a fun Chanukah-themed
- an informative Chanukah Kahoot.
All students and staff then enjoyed a BBQ lunch on the astro-turf. It was a fun and spirited day for all the students of Elsa High School. Thank you to all faculty and caretaking staff for their help and support.
Mr. Pinny Kreizel, Jewish Studies